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Parimalasri Docktor

Why Mom, Why?

Book Two in the 'Where is he? Tank, the Tortoise' series

This book, Why Mom, Why?, is the story of Chili, a Russian (Horsefield) tortoise. Chili is a very patient tortoise that always waits for her friend Tank to be fed first. She realizes that her mom has a routine to feed Tank first. Mom picks up on Chili’s sadness when Chili would sit closer to her while feeding Tank.

Why Mom, Why?

Why Mom, Why?

Now Available

Where Is He?

Tank, the tortoise

“Where is he?” is about Tank, the Russian tortoise who lost his owner and was placed in a pet store. He missed his owner and routine habits. He goes to a new home. When not in the box, he roams around the house. His favorite meal is string beans.
Where Is He_ Tank, the tortoise by Parimalasri Docktor, children's book

Where Is He? Tank, the tortoise

Now Available

Tortoise Goes to the Vet:

Radha - Indian Star Tortoise

Tortoise Goes to the Vet is about Radha, the Indian Star tortoise that needed a veterinary doctor to trim her crooked beak. She knew that she was not able to eat on her own due to her overgrown beak on one side. This experience of going to the vet made her understand that she needed help with her disability. She knows that her family accepts her the way she is. She gains confidence that Mom can help her by trimming her beak regularly, and she does not need to visit the vet to get her beak trimmed.

Tortoise Goes to the Vet by Parimalasri Docktor, children's book

Tortoise Goes to the Vet: Radha - Indian Star Tortoise

Now Available

Let's Hide from Mom:

I'm Not Sleepy Yet!

Let’s Hide From Mom is a true story of Radha having difficulty going to sleep. Every night she finds different places to hide since she does not want to go to bed. Krishna tries to go along with her game but ends up going to sleep in some corner. Mom tries her best to calm Radha down every day by giving her a treat: a small piece of cucumber. Radha learns that when lights are turned out, she must wind down and try to go to sleep. She also learnt that she must learn to fall asleep on her own and that Krishna cannot always play with her, since he goes to sleep early. Radha is still trying to find her comfort zone.

Let_s Hide from Mom by Parimalasri Docktor, children_s book

Let's Hide from Mom: I'm Not Sleepy Yet!

Now Available


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