Why Mom, Why? Book Two in the 'Where is he? Tank, the Tortoise' series

Publication Date

January 30, 2025



Why Mom, Why?





This book, Why Mom, Why?, is the story of Chili, a Russian (Horsefield) tortoise. Chili is a very patient tortoise that always waits for her friend Tank to be fed first. She realizes that her mom has a routine to feed Tank first. Mom picks up on Chili’s sadness when Chili would sit closer to her while feeding Tank. Chili needed the attention and was passively acting out. This book is about the silent communication between the pet and owner. Why Mom, Why? can be closely related to sibling rivalry in human beings. This is Book Two in the “Where is he? Tank, the Tortoise” series.

Why Mom, Why_ by Parimalasri Docktor, children_s book
Why Mom, Why_ by Parimalasri Docktor, children_s book

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